Hiya peeps,
My name is H and I’ve been working at The Pit Gaming Shop for 6 months but, have been a customer at The Pit for over a year.
I’ve always been interested in hobbying, there was a hobby shop (not The Pit) that I used to walk past when I was a kid heading home from a day at school. I would stare at the window display curious about the model planes, cars and matchstick ships, they looked incredible but I was always too shy to go in.
-Hmmm what’s french for salt? –

I eventually moved out of Hertsmere to go on adventures but returned to Hertsmere a couple of years ago, finding myself with some extra free time I decided to embrace my inner child and sought out like minded people to hang out with and that was when The Pit Gaming Shop was mentioned on a facebook group.
So, I shot them an email to see if they passed the vibe check and oh my Dear Reader they most certainly did pass the vibe check. In fact a couple of weeks later I found myself partaking in character creation of Artemis a Half-Elf Rogue that wanted to be Sherlock Holmes – I had so many visions of her being this awesome Half-Elf that could charm her way through tricky situations but of course the dice rolls determine the success and she was very rarely successful.
Now bear in mind the only experience I had of dungeons and dragons, well rpg’s in general before coming to The Pit was from The Big Bang Theory but I have since GM’d Agon and I want to try out so many other ttrpg’s like Shiver by Parable Games, I just need to get everybody’s schedule aligned which as it turns out is quite a difficult thing to do.
– What have I been doing at The Pit this past year? –
Firstly trying to figure out how on earth D&D works but, with the release of the new Players Handbook I understand it so much more. I don’t dread searching for spells and multi-classing is a lot simpler, a part of me is glad that this book came out a year after I got into D&D as I don’t think I’d have been so brave with Artemis. I’m still figuring it out, but with the new handbook it’s slowly starting to make sense.
Trying to get my very first MTG Commander deck perfected, my MTG collection has increased since I first started playing!
Hmmm just for fun, what colour combination do you think I tend to play the most?…
Attending various shows and representing The Pit Gaming shop. I can’t pick a favourite as what made the shows fantastic was chatting to a lot of you- our lovely customers.
– What’s the symbol for the atomic number 99? –

For 2025 I aim to go to as many Kings of War tournaments as possible, cosplay at Fantasy Forest and run as many events at The Pit for people of all ages. I hope to see you at one of these events as The Pit attend shows all over the UK, until then you can always pop us a message on our socials, we’re on Instagram, Facebook and Discord.
If you’re feeling adventurous, why not pop into the shop? We’re a friendly bunch and love having a chat about everything, nothing and topics that sit in between the two, maybe even play a game of Magic the Gathering perhaps?
– Whose Kia’s sister in Lego Ninjago? –

Anyhow folks, I gotta go but I hope you all have a wonderful week, until next time…