Sunday 25th – Yu-Gi-Oh! Tournament – £7 Entry Fee
Starting from 12:00
Friend of the Shop Dayle from Zephyr Wargames will be running a Yu-Gi-Oh!tournament for anyone willing to join.
Wednesday 28th – Role-Playing Night – Dungeons & Dragons – £3.50 Table Fee per person
Starting from 18:00
Join one of our many role-playing groups for an evening of high adventure in the realms of Dungeons & Dragons. Every fortnight our Dungeon masters will take you on a fantastic adventure where your character can battle creatures, solve puzzles and attain treasure!
Thursday 29th – Heroclix Wonder Woman 80th Sealed Tournament – £30 Entry
Starting from 18:00
In this tournament your entry pays for 2 sealed boosters of Wonder Woman 80th Anniversary Set, from that you will have to put together a force of 300 points or under. Once everyone has their chosen forces they will be paired randomly with an opponent and the tournament rounds will start.
Friday 30th – Yu-Gi-Oh! Tournament – £7 Entry Fee
Enter from 18:00, Round 1 start at 19:00
Come join our weekly Yu-Gi-Oh for the chance to win Offical Tournament Store packs, each participant will receive 1 OTS pack just for joining with an additional pack put into a prize pool for the top 3 places.
Saturday 31st – Warhammer Age of Sigmar – £3.50 Table Fee per person
Starting from 12:00
Following the launch of Age of Sigmar 3rd edition we are having another Age of Sigmar day