Crooked Dice – 7TV 2nd Edition Inch High Spy-Fi – Programme Guide Volume One


This hard copy compendium contains 7TV2 rules for Department X, SHIVA and Paranormal Exterminators – previously only available as PDF. This illustrated 60 page guide contains show background, profile descriptions […]

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This hard copy compendium contains 7TV2 rules for Department X, SHIVA and Paranormal Exterminators – previously only available as PDF.
This illustrated 60 page guide contains show background, profile descriptions and episodes for each of these three casts:

Department X: The secret Department for Extraordinary Affairs, or Department X as it is known amongst its agents, is Great Britain’s first line of defence against threats beyond the abilities of conventional forces.
Paranormal Exterminators: rules for ghost hunters spectres, spooks and cryptozoological threats, this adds a supernatural spin to your 7TV games. Also included are four scenarios and background material on the little known Dead On Arrival television show from the Barron archives.
SHIVA: A sinister international organisation founded to promote the aims of its mysterious leader – the Guru. Terror and crime are but one strand of its dark purpose.

Note you will still require the individual profile cards to play.